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I'm bored! (free skripts gimme ideas)


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2 hours ago, SteveMaster367 said:

can you give me a right click ability script so it can execute some commands when i right click the item please and merry christmas! 😀


on right click with exampleitem:
  make console execute command "/example"

Very simple. Make sure to replace "exampleitem" and "/example" to whatever item you want and whatever command! If you want to right click with an item with a space, for example: Red Stained Glass Pane, you don't put underscores. Leave it as whatever it is without capital letters! and Merry Christmas to you as well 😄

Vip: 20/12/2021

Skript is fun, I am currently working on SkChat and making stuff for market rank!




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I have an idea but its quite difficult. 

But if you can pull it off, i would pay for this.

- Npcs (police) can spawn at a players island, at random times (every couple hours or so).
- Police will chase/follow/run to the player, to search them (stop the players actions, and freeze them for like 5 seconds to do the *search*)
- IF the player has certain items in their inventory when searched, they will be fined/jailed. 

(These items are usually just minecraft items with custom textures and renamed, so you would need to detect if the player is holding for example a Green-dye, with NBT 1 tag(s) and the name 'Weed'. 

I know most of that is pretty easy to do if you are good at skript, apart from detecting an item with nbt data or a name if that works.
If you think this is something you'd be able to tackle give me a shout and we can discuss price, if its too difficult sorry;) 

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2 hours ago, ryzer said:

I have an idea but its quite difficult. 

But if you can pull it off, i would pay for this.

- Npcs (police) can spawn at a players island, at random times (every couple hours or so).
- Police will chase/follow/run to the player, to search them (stop the players actions, and freeze them for like 5 seconds to do the *search*)
- IF the player has certain items in their inventory when searched, they will be fined/jailed. 

(These items are usually just minecraft items with custom textures and renamed, so you would need to detect if the player is holding for example a Green-dye, with NBT 1 tag(s) and the name 'Weed'. 

I know most of that is pretty easy to do if you are good at skript, apart from detecting an item with nbt data or a name if that works.
If you think this is something you'd be able to tackle give me a shout and we can discuss price, if its too difficult sorry;) 

again, dont post something that you already have a post on




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