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Everything posted by TheSkript

  1. Hi i made this for a person (ImKanser) he wanted this for his spongebob server i hope this fixed your problem ImKanser Sponge.sk
  2. Hey guys if your having problems then just reload the page and click one of the downloads.
  3. Hi!! TheSkript here i made a Keycard skript and wanted to give it to you btw if its already here i changed it a little bit bc my friend gave me it and i made it into a plugin. (Requires Many Files bc Folder doesen't work here ) CDisableNB.skCCrafting.skCKeycards.skCReaders.sk
  4. everyone please do not ask for more skripts i have school and lots of stuff to do i dont have time on skripts ok? goodbye
  5. your meaning a particle wall, that would take some time i would need to calculate the position of where the player is and where the particle is but i cannot make it stretch i would recommend using barriers and some particles for that or make so if the player is at a position you push the player away a little bit or set the player's speed to 0 then just make infinite particles but also this could cause some lag i hope this was your answer.
  6. when i do /mv import city normal ul_TBD_City it only says "That world folder does not exist These look like worlds to me: otd_dungeon "ul_TBD_City help pls
  7. Enjoy the plugin! (Do not use this in like a competition or say that you own this) # Anti Hack Plugin Made by Skripterize/Sculkk # every tick: loop all players: if loop-player's flight state is true: if loop-player's gamemode is survival or adventure: ban loop-player broadcast "&c%loop-player% &7has been banned by &c&lCONSOLE for hacking! &7&o(Fly Hacks)" # this will ban the player if he has fly hacks # every tick: loop all players: set loop-player's walking speed to 0.2 # ok now this sets the player's speed so they wont have a movement speed hack (this might not work i haven't tested it # also i require it to be set on 0.2 always thats the normal speed but if you want to change it you can always # on damage: if {_cooldown} is not 0.3 or 0.2 or 0.1: set {_cooldown} to 0.3 wait 0.3 seconds set {_cooldown} to 0.2 wait 0.3 seconds set {_cooldown} to 0.1 wait 0.3 seconds set {_cooldown} to 0 else: if {_cooldown} is 0.3 or 0.2 or 0.1: cancel event # this will make so the player cant cheat with fast clicking if it dosn't contact me on minehut forums https://forums.minehut.com/profile/1042569-stevemaster367/ # on first join: if player's inventory is not empty: ban player broadcast "&c%player% &7has been banned by &c&lCONSOLE &7for hacking! &7&o(Getting items instantly at the start)" # this bans the player if they have an item at the start because people are really getting annoyed of hackers getting items instantly when joining (remove essentials before using this) # # Now this command below this text are the plugin commands so dont delete them! it might cause some problems # and also if you want to add some more features feel free to add some in this file # - Skripterize / Sculkk - # command /antihack [<text>] [<player>] [<text>]: trigger: if player is op: if arg-1 is "banlist": make console execute "/gamerule sendCommandFeedback true" loop 250 times: send "&c" to player make player execute "/banlist" wait 0.1 seconds make console execute "/gamerule sendCommandFeedback false" if arg-1 is "ban": ban arg-2 broadcast "&c%arg-2% &7has been banned by &c%player% &7for hacking! &7&o(%arg-3%)" if arg-1 is "reload": send "&aReloaded config." if arg-1 is "version": send "&c&lANTI - HACK" send "&8--------------" send "&cVersion &7::: &fv1" if arg-1 is "help": send "&c&lANTI - HACK" send "&8--------------" send "&cCommands&7: &f/antihack version - /antihack banlist - /antihack ban - /antihack reload - /antihack help" else: send "&cYou do not have the required permissions to do this command!" # Would you like to join the club? join here! https://forums.minehut.com/clubs/1321-skriptify/ # # Want more plugins or scripts? contact me on https://forums.minehut.com/profile/1042569-stevemaster367/ # # ============================================================= # # Now this is the last part here you can create any of your commands you want to add # Examples / command example: / every tick: / you can see more examples up because you can see on how to make more scripts enjoy the plugin! # / Skripterize /
  8. oops i meant command /daily: cooldown: 24 hours cooldown message: {your text} trigger: give player a totem of undying
  9. bro this would not work just do this command /daily: cooldown: 24 hours cooldown message: {your text} trigger: give player a totem of undying
  10. actually this would not work. i fixed your skript here on flight toggle: if player's gamemode is not creative: cancel event wait a tick set player's flight state to false push player upwards at speed 0.4 push player forwards at speed 0.4 make console execute "/execute at %player% run particle cloud ~ ~ ~ 1 0 1 0 100" make console execute "/execute at %player% run playsound minecraft:entity.bat.takeoff master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 1" wait 5 seconds set player's flight state to true
  11. Hello does anyone know how to make so like set slot 1 of player to eye of ender named "&bEnder Teleport" with a count of item
  12. thats strange. also if your not oped you either didn't op yourself in the console.
  13. also i can just make to make right click on a gen it drops the item
  14. dont know how to do that but if your looking for a gen skript search gen skript minehut
  15. on break of diamond ore: chance of 15% drop 2 amethyst crystal at position of target send action bar "&bYou have gained a &d&lCrystal &f2x" named "&d&lCrystal" play sound "minecraft:entity.firework_rocket.launch" with pitch 0 make console execute "/execute at %player% run particle firework ^ ^ ^2 0.4 1 0.4 0 100"
  16. wait let me fix it bc i forgot some things
  17. on break of diamond ore: chance of 15% drop 2 amethyst crystal at position of target send action bar "&bYou have gained a &d&lCrystal &f2x" play sound "minecraft:entity.wither.shoot" with pitch 2 make console execute "/execute at %player% run particle firework ^ ^ ^2 0.4 1 0.4 0 100"
  18. thats impossible people use bots to do that i hope this helped!
  19. options: servername: RiseCountr itemname: &4&lNuclear Bomb command /nuke <player>: permission: op permission message: &fUnknown command. Type "/help" for help. usage: &c/nuke <player> trigger: give arg-1 tnt named "{@itemname}" send "&aYou have &lSUCCESFULLY &aGiven %Arg-1% &ca {@itemname}"to player on drop: if player's held item is tnt named "&4&lNuclear Bomb": send "[&4Transmission From RiseCountr&7] &4A NUKE HAS BEEN DROPPED" wait 10 seconds create explosion with force 200 at targeted block

  20. execute console command would not work. you must use make console execute also i know your a kid thats 5 bc totum is actually spelled totem
  21. TheSkript

    Bro what

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