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Minecraft's Security vulnerability



As we all may know, Mojang has found a exploit affecting many of their services, including Minecraft Java Edition.

Mojang had posted an article about the exploit, in this case named "Log4j" or "Dlog4j2". If you haven't read it, make sure you do here: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/important-message--security-vulnerability-java-edition?ref=launcher

But that is not why I am here, in the article it mentions how you can protect your server, but I don't really understand how I can do this on Minehut (I am using 1.17).

And while I was playing, my server suddenly crashed and I saw a error that almost gave me a panic attack on my console, I don't have the error but, it including something like "Killed" and "Dlog4j2" when I saw it, I immediately closed Minecraft and shutdown my computer, and now I am writing here, yes, I have followed the steps to secure my account, but I don't understand how I can secure my server, there isn't any "start.bat" file or anything as it shows to put it in your "startup command line", which I think means the start.bat file.

Please reply if you know anything or how to solve this, thanks.

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