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Voteday skript help.


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On 12/5/2021 at 12:45 PM, Mrbizarre said:

So i wanted to make a voteday skript, but my brain is like so confused. I tried looking up vote day system's i tried making one, but nothing i did worked? If yall had one that would be great.

so you vote for the time to be day? Try this (untested)


	mainworld: world

command /voteday:
		if time in world "{@mainworld}" is not between 18:00 and 6:00:
			send "&cYou can't vote for day time during the day!" to player
		if {DayVoted::*} contains player:
			send "&cYou already voted for day time tonight!" to player
		add player to {DayVoted::*}
		send "&6You voted for the time to change to day!" to player
		set {_playersneeded} to number of all players / 2
		replace all ".5" with "" in {_playersneeded}
		set {_playersvoted} to size of {DayVoted::*}
		broadcast "&6%player% voted for the time to change to day! (%{_playersvoted}%&6/%{_playersneeded}%)"
		if {_playersvoted} >= {_playersneeded}:
			clear {DayVoted::*}
			set time in world {@mainworld} to 6:01
			broadcast "&eThe time has been set to day!"

at time 6:01 in world {@mainworld}:
	clear {DayVoted::*}





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