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8wii's Administrative Application.


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Your IGN: 8wii

Your Discord (Test#0001): 8wii#0430

Age: 15 (16 in 3 days)

Time zone: EST

What is you're current rank?: N/A

Do you have a working mic?: Yes

Do you have any previous punishments?: No

How many hours are you able to be on the server?: 5-6+

How active can you be per week?: 35-40 hours+

Do you have any past moderating experience? If so, briefly describe it: 

Why do you want to become a staff member on KitX?: I have been moderating for up to 4 years now and I feel like a have a surplus of experience. I have good moderating experience by knowing lots of the plugins and commands. I record everything I do incase someone needs to know why I banned a user or punished them. I know what cheats to detect and how to detect them. I have also been moderating on servers that have 200-300 players. The main server I was staff on was called VoidzMinez and I have been staff for over a year. I was the Senior Moderator and I dealt with accepting new staff members and dealt with hackers, chat offenders, and also helped out quite a bit in the discord too, I managed the player's and also help teach the other staff how to moderate. 

Why should we pick your application than other applications?: I believe I would do a good job as a staff member since I have always been a keen worker and am motivated by my passion for the game, and also for interacting with other people all around the globe. I enjoy serving players and, I believe that I am able to apply my skill set to particular situations while achieving complete player satisfaction and enjoyment. I love to share my knowledge with others, in any kind of department and I have been playing Minecraft for a while now, and so I am sure I have a lot of knowledge to share in this area. If accepted, I would guarantee 100% dedication and focus to the tasks I am given, thinking first on the server, and only then on me, in a constant pursuit of it's greater good. I can offer a very active Staff Member that can help any player with any doubt that might exist, and I pledge that even not knowing the answer to a problem, I would do my best to find a solution. I want to be a part of this Staff Team because I feel that I can learn a lot from all the different members of the Team, I can expand my areas of knowledge, I can broaden my horizons regarding management and administration of a Minecraft Server and I can spend time doing two things that I love very much, playing Minecraft and helping out other people. Also, having had experience on this specific server makes me perfect for the position, since I already know the rules, the tasks Staff have to fulfill when dealing with a specific situation, and when and how to enforce a punishment.

What is one of your strengths & weaknesses?: My strengths include the time that I can dedicate to the server, I've always been dedicated to the staff on, and I can put my heart and soul into the server. I have also been moderating for 4+ years now so I feel like I'd have more experience.

Do you know how to screen share & find Ghost Clients? (Yes/No): No

Do you use any Screen Share tools? (Yes/No): Not at the moment, looking into screen sharing methods

Anything else?: Nope 🙂

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