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DiscordToS's Junior Moderator Application


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Your IGN: DiscordToS

Your Discord (Test#0001): wxterfall#1111

Age: 14

Time zone: GMT*

What is you're current rank?: MVP

Do you have a working mic?: Yes.

Do you have any previous punishments?: No (excluding false ac bans)

How many hours are you able to be on the server?: On weekdays 4-6 hours a day and on weekends up to 10+ hours.

How active can you be per week?: I can play every if not most days a week for large sums of each day.

Do you have any past moderating experience? If so, briefly describe it: Yes, I have past moderation experience, one of the most prominent and largest roles I've had would be on RebelMC/Dupe in which I was a Manager, Admin and Moderator (at different times of course), Rebel had a large playerbase of around 3.5k players and 1k+ discord members. 

Why do you want to become a staff member on KitX?: I want to become staff on KitX because I've been playing a lot recently and seen many rulebreakers from simple chat spammers and teamers to ghost hackers and slurs being used in chat and I would like to assist in punishing rulebreakers and helping all players enjoy KitX at its full potential.

Why should we pick your application than other applications?: Because I have lots of experience in catching and punishing cheaters whether their ghost cheating or blatantly flying. As well as that I'm a relaxed, helpful guy who is willing to help anyone in need of help and assistance.

What is one of your strengths & weaknesses?: One of my strengths would be my experience and skill in being able to correctly and efficiently enforce the server rules using the correct punishment for the correct reasons. A weakness of mine could be my lack of speaking out and asking for help on certain issues.

Do you know how to screen share & find Ghost Clients? (Yes/No): Yes.

Do you use any Screen Share tools? (Yes/No): Yes (I have and can use AnyDesk)

Anything else?: Nope.

If you like what I post or I've helped you please leave a like or upvote my posts! Thanks!

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