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100_'s Staff Application


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Your IGN: 100_

Your Discord (Test#0001):

Age: 100_#3965

Time zone: GMT+1

What is you're current rank?: Default (was developer)

Do you have a working mic?: Yes

Do you have any previous punishments?: No

How many hours are you able to be on the server?: 2 daily minimum

How active can you be per week?: I can play garuanteed once every 2 days including weekdays, and around 4 hours on weekends.

Do you have any past moderating experience? If so, briefly describe it: I was mod on Tugged, I was developer here on kitx and did some moderating, I owned my own kit pvp servers, I was developer on aruwu and also banned some hackers there too.

Why do you want to become a staff member on KitX?: Because I've been playing for over a year, have been staff before, and I definitely enjoy the aspects of the server, and how much it's improved. E.G the perks system has only gotten better over the weeks.

Why should we pick your application than other applications?: I've been staff here before, I have more experience than most, I can be very mature when necessary, and I can spend a lot of time on the server due to how much I enjoy it. Other applicants may not enjoy the server that much and will find it harder to be active because of that.

What is one of your strengths & weaknesses?: A strength of mine is my ability to identify hacks, and a weakness of mine is sometimes I can lack professionalism however I am getting better at improving that when necessary. 

Do you know how to screen share & find Ghost Clients? (Yes/No): No

Do you use any Screen Share tools? (Yes/No): No

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