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can someone help me with a combat log skript?


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On damage of a player, set both the attacker's and the victim's Combat variable to true. After that, use the on quit event to check if the player's combat variable was true. If so, delete the variable, then kill the player. On command, check if the player's combat variable is true. If so, cancel event.

rose city STICKER


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On 10/18/2021 at 5:47 PM, Legendary_Edwin said:

i want so that when someone gets hit they can't log out or they die, and they won't be able to use commands in combat

Here is a skript for you just incase you need it:


command /setspawn:
    permission: Admin.staff
    permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
        set {global.spawn} to player's position
        send "&bSpawn &7| &7The Survival Spawn has been set."

command /spawn:
        set {_spawnd} to difference between {spawn.%player's uuid%.lastused} and now
        if {_spawnd} is less than 5 seconds:
            message "&bSpawn &7| &7You cannot use this command &7for '&b%difference between 5 seconds and {_spawnd}%&7'."
        if {combatlog.%player's uuid%} is higher than 0:
            send "&bSpawn &7| &7You are still in combat!"
            if {global.spawn} is set:
                teleport player to {global.spawn}
                set {spawn.%player's uuid%.lastused} to now
                send "&bSpawn &7| &7You were teleported to Spawn!"
                if player has permission "Admin":
                    send "&bSpawn &7| &7There is no spawn. Create one using &7'&b/setspawn&7'"
                    send "&bSpawn &7| &7There was an error accessing your order."
on damage:
    if attacker is a player:
        if victim is a player:
            set {combat.%victim's uuid%} to true
            set {combat.%attacker's uuid%} to true
            set {combatlog.%victim's uuid%} to 20
            set {combatlog.%attacker's uuid%} to 20
            send action bar "&7Log timer: &b%{combatlog.%victim's uuid%}%" to victim
            send action bar "&7Log timer: &b%{combatlog.%attacker's uuid%}%" to attacker
every 2 second:
    loop all players:
        if {combat.%loop-player's uuid%} = true:
            if {combatlog.%loop-player's uuid%} is higher than 0:
                remove 2 from {combatlog.%loop-player's uuid%}
                send action bar "&7Log timer: &b%{combatlog.%loop-player's uuid%}%" to loop-player    
                clear {combat.%loop-player's uuid%}

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