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Everything posted by Legendary_Edwin

  1. i try to delete a plugin and then i restart server for it to go away but then it comes back from nowhere??????
  2. I wonder if it's possible to add a /repairall skript that repairs items that are like kinda broken and if anyone knows how i can do it?
  3. When i try to join a minehut server from the server menu it shows (unknown host) does anyone know why this is happening?
  4. My skript is command /dupe: trigger: give player player's tool send "&4&lYou just duped &6&l%player's tool%" not a super advanced skript
  5. So i started a server for me and my friends and it has /dupe but how can i blacklist certain items from getting duped? And if the item is in a shulker how do i make it so the shulker won't get duped either?
  6. How do i make custom items? For example a shield that gives speed and health
  7. i want so that when someone gets hit they can't log out or they die, and they won't be able to use commands in combat
  8. It doesn't seem to work, do you know why?
  9. can u add a countdown too? and if u move it get's cancelled? just question
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