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What versions does Minehut support?

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What versions can you use on Minehut?

Minehut supports a large variety of server types from Spigot, to Paper, to even the most popular proxy implementations such as Velocity! It's as easy as selecting the version you would like to use from your Minehut panel and we will automatically update it the next time you restart your server.

When connecting your server using a proxy, there can be limitations depending on the type of software you choose to use. Because of that, we've decided to create a quick guide to explain what supported versions exist on each proxy.

Supported Minecraft Proxies:

  • Waterfall (fork of Bungeecord)
  • Velocity

If you're interested in using Bungeecord, you can choose to use Waterfall as your proxy type. It's an edited version of Bungeecord that supports all the same plugins and works identically.

Supported Versions:

All proxies:

  • It is not possible to use vanilla Minecraft, you would need to use a different server type that's compatible with a proxy software. We don't currently support Vanillacord (edit of vanilla compatible on proxies) but we might add support in the future.


  • If you use Fabric with Velocity, all servers on the proxy must be 1.13+. This is because Fabric requires modern authentication, which isn't supported on versions released before 1.13. You must also use Paper.
  • If you aren't using Fabric, you can use the legacy authentication to use all versions of Spigot or Paper 1.8.8+.

Waterfall (Bungeecord):

  • Doesn't support Fabric.
  • Supports all versions of Spigot and Paper 1.8.8+.




We'll continue to maintain and update this post as we support more versions and types.

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