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Asking YOU for Advice on the Creation of my RPG, Heroes!


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Hello all,

On my server, I am hoping to create a MMORPG much like Hypixel Skyblock. Many, many people play Hypixel, and I think it would be cool if I can bring a player base like that to Minehut. Now to my issues...

1: I am unsure as if to add a space in the universe that the players can build on, like the private island in Hypixel Skyblock. Usually, in an RPG you explore and do quests, but do not have a space to build your heart out. I want to know if I should add a space where each player can build, or keep it to just the main RPG universe.

2: I want to make the MMO fun and rewarding, but I also do not want it to take 8 hours to level up a skill. At first I thought of making the needed exp to level up low, but then people with time can speed through the levels. Then, I thought about purchasable exp boosts, but then the game is Pay To Win, which I hate. My final idea is to make NPCs that sell the exp boosts for a LOT of in game currency (gold), so people with time can work on the skill while people who don't have as much time can just buy an exp boost. (Note: for all of these ideas, the exp needed to level up is still less than Hypixel)

3: I literally don't know how to end the game. What will the final objective be? My plan is to make it virtually impossible to reach for an engaging gameplay that people will play for years, but still make it possible with the best stuff and many others at the best level. I was thinking a boss fight, but I am not sure how to end the game. Any ideas?

4: Most RPGs make you select a class to play. I do not want Heroes to do this, as it doesn't allow freedom as the meta weapons and armor change. Hypixel added dungeons into their MMO, adding class-based skills as well as the normal progression. Would you like something like that, (maybe a wizard academy where you can choose your element and go to the battle caves, completely separate from the rest of the Heroes universe) or just keep it to no classes?

5: I generally will be running out of ideas, as I am attempting this solo and do not have unlimited creativity. Any ideas about Heroes that you think I should add?

!! If you reply: !!

Please put the number of the issue that you are responding to. It will make my life WAY easier when I read them, as I will be trying to figure out what you are trying to answer. A formatting example is shown below:

[Format example: Answer to 5: I.......]


Thanks for stopping by and reading this post!I really hope you will contribute to the creation of Heroes. Remember, be creative!


I don't know how to do spoilers, sorry for the long post

Edited by Gam3rBoi
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Main MC account: Gam3rBoi (VIP in MH)

Alt MC account: *Gam3rBoi2147

Farcade server owner

Skripter with 6+ months experience + time learning coding concepts

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Heyy ~

I'm solo-ing and mmo too as of right now, and surprisingly I had similar problems! I also came across a few problems when creating my fully text based mmo. I would like to present not just ideas but also a few tips that might be useful!

[ANSWER to 1]: Alright, so I personally like the idea of having somewhere to build when playing on a mmorpg. For example, let's take a look at the biggest Minecraft mmo as of right now - Wynncraft. In the latest (large) update, they added floating islands players can buy and then build and sell items on. All in all, I think it's a always a great idea to add some rather unique things since they always get the players attention which in return makes the gameplay more interesting for everyone. But you need to make sure to not just have some random plots or islands people can build on, you have to add something like shops the players can set up and use. Also, I think you should make it challenge to obtain a building plot!


[ANSWER to 2]: First things first, I would like to say that making leveling fair and fun is hard to say the least. However, it's possible. Basically I think you could go for a standard levelig system, by that I mean you that a player needs less exp to level up when they are low level and it progressively gets harder to level up. I know this might not be what you want, however, a mmo is mostly about grinding after all. The only thing you can do to make grinding more unique and fun is add a lot of quests and give exp to the player when they sell something in the shop, buy something or farm something like wheat. I think boosters also are a great idea however, they should really go for a lot and certainly be untardeable items!


[ANSWER to 3]: The best way to find  a good end for your mmo is to write a story up first. While writing the story you can think about everything. Take your time and just write whatever the hell you want. When writing a story for anything I mostly start by setting a rough timeline. Your story has to start somewhere, and of course end somewhere. The end could be anything, the inevitable death of the main character, the mc (maincharacter) kills a monster/boss, the destruction of the entire damn world, the escape to another world, the mc can return to his home - literally anything. Though you need to make sure to have everything build up to a certain end. Basically, from start to end write everything down but make sure that it will line up to a "showdown" which is the end of the story. It will take a bit of creative tinkering to come up with a story like that so really take your time :))


[ANSWER to 4]: Freedom allows less variety in combat. Keep that in mind! But, on the one hand I personally like the idea of not selecting a class from the start, on the other hand though, I feel like it's important to have some pre-selected classes since it ads more variation to the combat from the start. Mixing both of these ideas would probably be rather unique and fun. By "mixing both of these ideas" I mean that a player can basically select skills at the start. You can let them choose in between archer and warrior skills for example. If a player picked the archer skill they can learn new ranged skills more quickly, for example to learn a mage skill, you need to have the archer skill first. In case you picked the warrior skill you will first need to obtain the archer skill!


[ANSWER to 5]: When it comes to coming up with heroes (which I think could be considered as classes or skills too) you need to consider a few things. First, each hero needs to be balanced. By that I mean you cant just create a class thats a literal god and one-taps everything. Some classes might be able to deal more damage, therefore they are slower. Some classes might be able to glide, but they deal less damage. Basically, each class needs have some perks another class doesnt have but they will also need a downside that will make players think about what class to pick. Keep that in mind when creating heroes!

That's it. Sorry for the long post :)) I hope I could help/inspire you!

Good luck :))
Bye ~



PS.: Sorry for any remaining spelling/grammar mistakes. English isn't my first language and I cant be bothered to prove read all of this again haha

Edited by Just5MoreMinutes
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hey everyone o/
i'm Just5MoreMinutes! a developer, writer, and wanna-be musician. i drink an unholy amout of coffee.

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As a fellow player of MMORPGs, I think I have some few ideas to share as well (Mainly to #4):

To #4:
If you want to not focus on the Class system of a typical MMO, you may instead try to instead focus on leveling the weapons that you can use(Swords, Axe, Bow), where you can invest a skill point on a certain weapon skill, for example, when you reached level 2 from level 1 on your Bow, you now have 1 point to spend on your Bow skill tree. 


MMORPGs thrive with a party of players! So with the above mentioned weapon skills, you can either create a DPS player, a Tank, and then a Support player.

Just an advice on building the game itself:
Try to build up the PvE elements of the Game, mainly the Story, so that your game will have more depth to it, and a good lore invites a good community.

Then you can start with your PvP elements, guild wars, 1v1s etc.


Good luck on your MMO server! I am excited for what you will bring to the community ^^


Bestofrendo Moderator
Bread Banker



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