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--3x3 miner pickaxe
-- mine function
on mine:
    If lore of player's held item is "&4&lGiga Miner 3":
        set {_1} to location of event-block
        set {_2} to location of event-block
        if player's pitch is between -50 and 50:
            add 1 to y-coord of {_1}
            subtract 1 from y-coord of {_2}
            if player's horizontal facing is west or east:
                add 1 to z-coord of {_1}
                subtract 1 from z-coord of {_2}
                loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}:
                    skellett break loop-value naturally using player's tool          
            else if player's horizontal facing is north or south:
                add 1 to x-coord of {_1}
                subtract 1 from x-coord of {_2}
                loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}:
                    skellett break loop-value naturally using player's tool
            add 1 to x-coord of {_1}
            add 1 to z-coord of {_1}
            subtract 1 from x-coord of {_2}
            subtract 1 from z-coord of {_2}
            loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}:
                skellett break loop-block naturally using player's tool

-- give miner 3x3 pickaxe
command /Minerpickaxe3x3:
    permission: Minerpickaxe3x3.use
            give player netherite pickaxe named "&6&lMega miner" with lore "&4&lGiga Miner 3"

--mute chat skript
command /mutechat:
    permission: staff.mute
    permission message: &c You don't have the required permission to perform that command.
        if {Globalchat} is not set:
            set {Globalchat} to true
            broadcast "&c&lServer-name &c| &cChat has been muted by &r&c%player%"
            stop trigger

        if {Globalchat} is set:
            clear {Globalchat}
            broadcast "&c&lServer-name &c| &aChat unmuted by &r&a%player%"

on chat:
    if {Globalchat} is true:
        if player has permission "chat.mute.bypass":
            stop trigger
            cancel event
            send "&cChat is currently muted."

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33 minutes ago, MrJusticeGaming said:

How do you enter the skript so it works?


go to file manager -> plugins -> skript -> scripts -> make new file -> name new file -> scriptname.sk -> if you dont put .sk at end it wont work! -> open folder -> paste skript in -> save -> type /sk reload nameofscript.sk and do the command

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