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I need a /nick and /realname skript for my VIP (or vip lp group) Rank on my server


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You could set the player's display name in skript, but I'm not sure how this works with essentials and TAB

command /nick <text>:
	permission: ranks.VIP
	permission message: "&cYou do not have VIP! You cannot preform this command!"
		set {_nickname} to arg-1
		set sender's display name to "%{_nickname}%"
		set sender's tablist name to "%{_nickname}%"

command /realname:
	permission: ranks.VIP
	permission message: "&cYou do not have VIP! You cannot preform this command!"
		set sender's display name to sender's name
		set sender's tablist name to sender's name

I don't think there is any way to change the player's "hologram" name (the name you see above their head). This script should work for the rest of the names (chat, tab) though, I just haven't tested it yet...

Main MC account: Gam3rBoi (VIP in MH)

Alt MC account: *Gam3rBoi2147

Farcade server owner

Skripter with 6+ months experience + time learning coding concepts

Message me through the forums if you need anything!

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On 8/22/2021 at 9:11 PM, Gam3rBoi said:

I don't think there is any way to change the player's "hologram" name (the name you see above their head). This script should work for the rest of the names (chat, tab) though, I just haven't tested it yet...

You can do this with tablisknu iirc

One of the most unique Minehut servers. Soon™


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On 8/23/2021 at 2:11 AM, Gam3rBoi said:

I don't think there is any way to change the player's "hologram" name (the name you see above their head). This script should work for the rest of the names (chat, tab) though, I just haven't tested it yet...

I think you can with SKquery.


I cant find it rn, but I will find it, as I posted it in another post.



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