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Anyone knows how to fix this world-delete skript?


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command /spawn:
        if player is in "%player%_bridging":
            make player execute command "/mvtp ul_Spawn1"
            teleport player to {spawn}
            send "&5[MCPractice] &aYou have been teleported to spawn"
            execute console command "/clear %player%"
            wait 1 second
            execute console command "/mvdelete %player%""
            wait 1 tick
            execute console command "/mvconfirm"
            make player execute command "/mvtp ul_Spawn1"
            teleport player to {spawn}
            send "&5[MCPractice] &aYou have been teleported to spawn"
            execute console command "/clear %player%"

I want to make it so if players use /spawn and they r in a world with the name "(their ign)_bridging"  they get tped back to spawn and the world gets deleted, and otherwise the just get tped to spawn. ("{Spawn}" is set correctly but i didnt include that code)


Edited by TheWasteful64
mistake in title
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  • TheWasteful64 changed the title to Anyone knows how to fix this world-delete skript?

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