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How do you make it where if someone kills someone they get money?

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6 hours ago, TheSckwadbros999 said:

I was wondering how you can make it where if u kill someone you get money would it be something like this:


on death:
    if attacker is a player:
        add 50 to %player's balance%



Hey, It’s great that you got the logic, but here is how you do it:


on death:

    if attacker is a player:

        add 50 to attacker's balance


Just make sure you have Vault and a valid Economy plugin (e.g. EssentialsX) installed.

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On 6/30/2021 at 2:32 PM, TheSckwadbros999 said:

I was wondering how you can make it where if u kill someone you get money would it be something like this:


on death:
    if attacker is a player:
        add 50 to %player's balance%



For future reference, percent signs for variables or, in this case player's balance, are used in text.

eg. send "Money: %player's balance%" to player
eg. add 50 to player's balance




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