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Exchange Levels For Items [HELP]


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I was wondering if it was possible to make a Skript that when you Right Click a Lime Green Shulker Box with 30 exp levels or up it will give you Lime Green Dye named "&a&lXp Token" and it has a 20% chance to give 3 "&a&lXp Token" 30% chance 2 "&a&lXp Token" 50% chance 1 "&a&lXp Token"

When you Right Click the Shulker Box make it take away your exp levels randomly like 1, 3, 4, 10 etc. Whatever you think is best.

Also is there any way that someone can left click it and they can view the lime dye with the chances of the lime dye as the lore?

And is there anyway to add a permission so someone can right click and left click the shulker in a world guarded area?

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