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Enchant Skript Not Working Right


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Okay, so I have this skript right here, and i tried to set it so that if u tried to upgrade your pickaxe past efficiency 6 it wouldn't work but it still allowed you to go past efficiency 6, also I cant seem t get it to take tokens from your token balance and it cant seem to understand the code

        if token balance is greater than 9999:
            execute console command "token take %player% 10000"

If someone could help fix this I would greatly appreciate! 😄

command /efficiency [<text>]:
    permission: efficiency.enchant
    permission message: [&c&l&!&f] You don't have permission
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if level of efficiency of player's tool is greater than or equal to 6:
                send "Youre too high!"
            if {wait.%player%} does not exist:
                set {wait.%player%} to false
            if {wait.%player%} is true:
                wait 3 ticks
            enchant the tool with "efficiency %level of efficiency of the tool + 1%" parsed as enchantment type
        if token balance is greater than 9999:
            execute console command "token take %player% 10000"
            message "&7Efficiency &chas now been applied on your Pickaxe!"
            message "&cYou don't have enough Tokens to apply &7Efficiency 6 &con your Pickaxe! You need &f10000&c!"

Edited by LastMC


Discord: LastXD#7171

Rank: PRO

Join date: Monday - December - 23rd - 2019

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29 minutes ago, LastMC said:

Okay, so I have this skript right here, and i tried to set it so that if u tried to upgrade your pickaxe past efficiency 6 it wouldn't work but it still allowed you to go past efficiency 6, also I cant seem t get it to take tokens from your token balance and it cant seem to understand the code

        if token balance is greater than 9999:
            execute console command "token take %player% 10000"

If someone could help fix this I would greatly appreciate! 😄

command /efficiency [<text>]:
    permission: efficiency.enchant
    permission message: [&c&l&!&f] You don't have permission
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if level of efficiency of player's tool is greater than or equal to 6:
                send "Youre too high!"
            if {wait.%player%} does not exist:
                set {wait.%player%} to false
            if {wait.%player%} is true:
                wait 3 ticks
            enchant the tool with "efficiency %level of efficiency of the tool + 1%" parsed as enchantment type
        if token balance is greater than 9999:
            execute console command "token take %player% 10000"
            message "&7Efficiency &chas now been applied on your Pickaxe!"
            message "&cYou don't have enough Tokens to apply &7Efficiency 6 &con your Pickaxe! You need &f10000&c!"

try "if player's balance" if you're using vault

Edited by AgentGamerPro




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6 hours ago, LastMC said:

execute console command "token take %player% 10000"

you forgot to add a "/"

also, can you tell me the following:

a) the variable you used to set or change a player's tokens

b) with [<text>] you are using on the /efficiency command, what is the [<text>] going to be used for? cause currently it has no use at all.

EDIT: Also, you are checking for the player's tokens after you enchanted. Make sure to put that first and put the rest of the code in an "else:" section

Edited by BanditEagle

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okay thanks for the advice  and ill take note to it, but i dont undertsand what u mean by 

a) the variable you used to set or change a player's tokens

b) with [<text>] you are using on the /efficiency command, what is the [<text>] going to be used for? cause currently it has no use at all.


Discord: LastXD#7171

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1 hour ago, LastMC said:

a) the variable you used to set or change a player's tokens

Currently you have this:

if token balance is greater than 9999:

however, there is no such thing as "token balance" in skript. You will need to use a variable which you change the value of in order to look for if a player has a specific amount or higher, such as:

{tokenBalance::%uuid of player%}

and will need to change the value of this whenver you want to add/remove/set the balance to a specific value. And to check if it is greater than 9999, you can do:

if {tokenBalance::%uuid of player%} >= 10000:


1 hour ago, LastMC said:

b) with [<text>] you are using on the /efficiency command, what is the [<text>] going to be used for? cause currently it has no use at all.

in the command, you have set it to be the following:

/efficiency [<text>]

where [<text>] will need to have some sort of input. However, you are not using the argument you are setting in the command, so I am asking how you are thinking of using it.

Hope this is a bit clearer!

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ty my guy, im still kinda new to skript so thanks. also im using it as like if someone wants insta mine they can upgrade from eff 5 - eff 6 but not past that


Edited by LastMC


Discord: LastXD#7171

Rank: PRO

Join date: Monday - December - 23rd - 2019

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