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Don't want to lose my items after I did /clear



So backstory: I was playing around with commandos, seeing what they do, and I did /clear. Now, I was wondering, first, if you go to your previous save the server made, can you get those items back, second, If I log off after I did the commando, /save-off will the server auto save or not?


Please quick response

ps: I'm not the owner of the server, my friend is but he's offline and I can't contact him!!

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1 answer to this question

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You unfortunately can't get those items back unless you restore the server to an earlier state via a backup.

File Manager > Backups > Restore Server

If the backup is after you lost your items, though, unfortunately there's no way to get them back. Although I do hope that you can get them back!

Lastly, yes, the server will always autosave no matter what. I mean, unless it does a hard crash then it may rollback.

rose city STICKER


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