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Epic Kits Skript ;)


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  {frame} = black stained glass pane

command /kits:
    open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&4&lKits" to player

    format gui slot 1 of player with leather cap named "&2&lNoob" with lore "&7Recive kit:" and "&7Noob" to run:
      give player stone sword
      give player stone axe
      give player stone shovel
      close player's inventory
    format gui slot 2 of player with golden chestplate named "&6Armour" with lore "&7Recive kit:" and "&7Archer" to run:
      give player golden chestplate
      give player golden leggings 
      give player golden boots
      close player's inventory
    format gui slot 3 of player with anvil named "&2Anvil" with lore "&7Change gamemode to:" and "&7Spectator" to run:
      give player anvil
      give player enchanted book of protection 3 and sharpness 1
      give player diamond helmet
      give player 64 exp bottle       
      close player's inventory
    format gui slot 4 of player with iron helmet named "&3Baseball Player" to run:
      give player iron helmet of protection 1
      give player wooden sword knockback 2
      close player's inventory

    format gui slot 5 of player with blue leather helmet named "&2Batguy" with lore "&7Change gamemode to:" and "&7Adventure" to run:
      give player leather helmet 
      give player leather chestplate
      give player leather leggings
      give player leather boots
      give player potion of blindness
      give player 5 bat egg
      close player's inventory
    format gui slot 6 of player with cactus named "&2Cactus" to run:
      give player 8 cactus 
      give player 16 sand
      give player leather chestplate of throns 5 and unbraking 3
      close player's inventory 
    format gui slot 7 of player with tnt named "&6Cannoneer" to run: 
      give player 16 tnt
      give player 4 redstone block
      give player iron boots of feather falling 4 and protection 3
      give player water bucket 
      give player pressure plate
      close player's inventory
    format gui slot 8 of player with jukebox named "&2Disco" to run:
      give player golden helmet of protection 4
      give player leather chestplate of throns 3 and protection 1
      give player leather leggings 
      give player leather boots of feather falling 2
      give player jukebox
      give player 12 note block
      give player music disc
      close player's inventory
   format gui slot 9 of player with iron axe named "&2Ecologist to run:
      give player iron axe of efficiency 1
      give player 16 oak wood 
      close player's inventory
   format gui slot 10 of player with enchantment table named "&2Enchanter" to run:
      give player enchantment table 
      give player 64 exp bottle
      give player 8 bookcase
      close player's inventory 
   format gui slot 11 of player with enderchest named "&3Enderchest" run to:
      give player enderchest
      give player goldan apple
      close player's inventory
    format gui slot 12 of player with enderpearl named "&2Enderman" run to:
      give player diamond chestplate of protection 3
      give player 5 enderpearl
      give player 2 goldan apple 
      give player wooden sword
      close player's inventory
    format gui slot 13 of player with brewing stand named "&2Energix" run to:
      give player potion of strengh
      give player goldan apple
      close player's inventory
    format gui slot 14 of player with redstone named "&3Engineer" run to: 
      give player 2 wooden sword
      give player 8 Cobweb
      give player 4 Piston
      give player 4 slimeball
      give player 16 redstone 
      give player lever
      give player 2 dispenser 
      give player 32 arrow
      give player 2 tripwire hook
      close player's inventory 
    format gui slot 15 of player with iron leggings named "&3Farmer" run to:
      give player iron leggings of protection 3
      give player 64 eggs
      gige player goldan apple
      close player's inventory


Just a very simple Skript for a kitpvp server 😉

Edited by Jockerlight
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