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Sever Down



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15 minutes ago, Day_dream21 said:
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so out of nowhere my sever stops working and i cant start it up


When did this issue start happening?

Also, I suggest checking your logs and sending them on here if you don't know the cause for it.

If you need help with accessing your logs, you can check out my guide below.


If I have helped you out in your post or you liked what I posted, please upvote and react to my post! It helps me a lot!

Some Minehut Links:

Server Rules • Staff Applications • News & Updates • Reports • Appeals

Minehut: VIP (07/04/2021 --> Current)
Elestra/Versa Realms: Manager (12/04/2021 --> Current)

If you have any questions contact me!
My Discord: BanditEagle#2481
My Spigot Profile: https://www.spigotmc.org/members/banditeagle.935281/
My IGN: BanditEagle

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