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Server is crashing



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42 minutes ago, SilentFistOfRed said:

Whenever someone joins my server and stays too long or does something, it crashes. Commands don't work, openable blocks don't work, eating doesn't work, etc.

We can move, but not very far until it crashes. I can't even download the world.

Could you please check the log files of your server and paste the latest logs (which should include a crash report) onto pastebin.com then send the link to that on here so we can help you out? If you need help on how to access your server logs, check out my guide below.


If I have helped you out in your post or you liked what I posted, please upvote and react to my post! It helps me a lot!

Some Minehut Links:

Server Rules • Staff Applications • News & Updates • Reports • Appeals

Minehut: VIP (07/04/2021 --> Current)
Elestra/Versa Realms: Manager (12/04/2021 --> Current)

If you have any questions contact me!
My Discord: BanditEagle#2481
My Spigot Profile: https://www.spigotmc.org/members/banditeagle.935281/
My IGN: BanditEagle

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