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Server Difficulty Bug



As you can see on the screenshot, when we change the difficulty with /difficulty it doesn't work.

We already tried to change the difficulty directly on Minehut website but it still doesn't work...

Do someone know how to fix it?


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1 minute ago, Ztrx_ said:

As you can see on the screenshot, when we change the difficulty with /difficulty it doesn't work.

We already tried to change the difficulty directly on Minehut website but it still doesn't work...

Do someone know how to fix it?


Hey. Once you do so, try executing /save-all and then testing again.

If it still doesn't work, I'd recommend you to use a plugin such as Multiverse which makes sure your world difficulty is set to your desire.

If you plan on using Multiverse, this is the command you will require to change the difficulty: /mv modify set difficulty (difficulty-level) (world-name).

Here are a few examples for using this command:

-> /mv modify set difficulty easy world_nether.

-> /mv modify set difficulty hard world.


That's not it, Multiverse has tonnes of other essential features. If you wish to see them, check this official wiki: https://github.com/Multiverse/Multiverse-Core/wiki/Command-Reference

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Hello there! If you're reading this, hope you're having a wonderful day!


Feel free to contact me via Discord (CoolProgrammer#1920) for any help.

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Also, don't hesitate to leave a like on my post if I helped you in any way.

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On 4/21/2021 at 7:06 PM, Ztrx_ said:

Multiverse worked, thank you!

No problem, enjoy.

Hello there! If you're reading this, hope you're having a wonderful day!


Feel free to contact me via Discord (CoolProgrammer#1920) for any help.

My DMs are always open for help.

You can also message via. forum messages for help.


Also, don't hesitate to leave a like on my post if I helped you in any way.

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