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I need help with Skripting... Again


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How do I make tips show every 5 minutes? I need [Lapspeed] Do "my text here"!


                                                          🟣[Default] Lapzzo: Joined 2nd of July 2020🔵                  eee

                                                                 🔵[VIP] Lapzzo: VIP 25th of April 2021🟣                      eee



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16 minutes ago, Lapzzo said:

How do I make tips show every 5 minutes? I need [Lapspeed] Do "my text here"!

This is a very simple way of doing it:

on load:

function tips():
    broadcast "&3[&b&lLAPSPEED&3] &fSome tip."
    wait 5 minutes
    broadcast "&3[&b&lLAPSPEED&3] &fSome other tip."
    wait 5 minutes
    broadcast "&3[&b&lLAPSPEED&3] &fCool."
    wait 5 minutes

Not a good way of doing it, but works unless you want an advanced auto-broadcast system.

  • Thanks 2

Hello there! If you're reading this, hope you're having a wonderful day!


Feel free to contact me via Discord (CoolProgrammer#1920) for any help.

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Also, don't hesitate to leave a like on my post if I helped you in any way.

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I wont 😄


                                                          🟣[Default] Lapzzo: Joined 2nd of July 2020🔵                  eee

                                                                 🔵[VIP] Lapzzo: VIP 25th of April 2021🟣                      eee



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