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how do i make it so you spawn in a certain world when you join the server

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1 hour ago, codeispoggg said:

i am working on a server and i need everyone to spawn in the void world not the vanilla world how do i do that??

to my knowledge, there are 3 ways to do this.


teleport player to location at 0, 0, 0 in world "world"

This is good but you will have to update it every time you need to. The next skript works much better.


command /setspawn:
	permission: op
		set {spawn} to player's location
		send "&aSet spawn at %{spawn}%" to player

on join:
	teleport player to {spawn}

With this, you can not only set spawn as many times as you like without reloading, you can also set the pitch and yaw.


set {spawn} to location at 0, 0, 0 in world "world"
set yaw of {spawn} to 180
set pitch of {spawn} to 0
teleport player to {spawn}

This skript is like the first one except you can change the direction the player is looking.

Hope this helps, and please give me rep by liking!

Edited by AgentGamerPro
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