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Jr Mod Application


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  • Minecraft Username: Manly_Roo
  • Discord Name and ID (ex: Sh0ot#3984):Manly_Roo#5149
  • Timezone (ex: PST):AEDT
  • Age:14
  • Playtime:2 days 16 hours

What experience do you have as a moderator? Not much but I believe I can meet the requirements, on one server I was a 1/2 a mod and I was responsible with that duty.

Why do you want to be a moderator on Composter? I want to be a mod on composter so that I can have a bigger say in the server as well as having my text easier to read, which means i can help people easier. 

What sets you apart from other applications? Why should we choose you? I believe that I should be chosen for jr moderator on Composter because I have helped people as much as I can and I am quite active (unless im afk or at school) and i try my best to tell beginners all that i know so far about the server.

Have you every hacked before? (will not affect your chance) I have hacked multiple times, once was on an anarchy server which allowed the use of hacks, another time was on a practice bedwars server when I only used scaffold as it was funny, but other than that I have never hacked.

Have you been banned on any servers? If so, for what reason? I was banned from a practice bedwars server for scaffolding, as I said above.

Anything else we should know? (personality, hobbies, etc) I enjoy the composter server, I am also surprised at how big this server has gotten in nearly 1 week today. I have quite a lot of sport on so that will be the primary reason I am not online.


Situational Questions

What would you do if you thought somebody was using criticals while in pvp, but couldn't tell for sure? If someone was using crits in pvp I would tell a sr mod to look into it and to keep an eye on the person using "crits".

What would you do if you saw somebody flying or using speed hacks? I would alert someone who could ban them, unless jr mods can ban.

What would you do if someone was botting the server? I would tell a sr mod or above about the situation and let it go from there.

What would you do if someone starts spamming personal information in chat? I would either ban them myself if sr mods can but if I cant ban I would firstly message a mod in chat, if none responded I would message a mod on discord that is online.

What would you do if someone says something racist or homophobic in chat? I would firstly ask them to stop and if continued get a sr mod to clear chat and ban them.

What would you do if somebody was threatening to hack the server? I would alert the Owner, Sr mods, Managers and send a message in discord as well as trying to solve it myself if I can.

How would you handle a situation where you are the only staff online and there's someone asking a question, someone else spamming chat, and matrix (anticheat) is going off? I would firstly answer the question asked, tell the spammer to stop or I will ban them (they might not know I cant actually ban them), and tell people to stick clear of pvp as they might lose their valuables to a hacker. As well as messaging a senior mod, manager or Owner about the spammer and anticheat going off.



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