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iI made a staff lel


command staff:
		add blaze rod named "&6&lMage &eStaff" with lore " " and "&6Item Ability: Rampage &e&lSHIFT RIGHT CLICK" and "&7Gain &a10 Hearts&7 and get" and "&cStrength 10&7 for 60 seconds" and "&8Cooldown: &3120 Seconds" and " " and "&6Item Ability: Flight &e&lSHIFT LEFT CLICK" and "&7Gain &5Levitation&7 for 15 seconds" and "&7and &fSlow Falling &7for 30 seconds" and "&7After Levitation" and "&8Cooldown: &390 Seconds" and " " and "&6Item Ability: Shoot &e&lRIGHT CLICK" and "&7Shoot a fire ball" and "&7In the direction you are looking" and "&8Cooldown: &3-1 health" and " " and "&6Item Ability: Heal &e&lLEFT CLICK" and "&7Heal &a20 Hearts&7 and gain" and "&cStrength&7 for 10 seconds" and "&8Cooldown: &330 Seconds" and " " to player

on right click:
	if player is holding blaze rod named "&6&lMage &eStaff" with lore " " and "&6Item Ability: Rampage &e&lSHIFT RIGHT CLICK" and "&7Gain &a10 Hearts&7 and get" and "&cStrength 10&7 for 60 seconds" and "&8Cooldown: &3120 Seconds" and " " and "&6Item Ability: Flight &e&lSHIFT LEFT CLICK" and "&7Gain &5Levitation&7 for 15 seconds" and "&7and &fSlow Falling &7for 30 seconds" and "&7After Levitation" and "&8Cooldown: &390 Seconds" and " " and "&6Item Ability: Shoot &e&lRIGHT CLICK" and "&7Shoot a fire ball" and "&7In the direction you are looking" and "&8Cooldown: &3-1 health" and " " and "&6Item Ability: Heal &e&lLEFT CLICK" and "&7Heal &a20 Hearts&7 and gain" and "&cStrength&7 for 10 seconds" and "&8Cooldown: &330 Seconds" and " ":
		if player is sneaking:
			if {cooldown69::uuid of player} is set:
				send "&6System&7 >> Please wait a bit to do this again"
				set {cooldown69::uuid of player} to true
				add 5 to the player's health
				apply Strength 10 to the player for 60 seconds
				send "&6System&7 >> Item Ability used"
				wait 120 real seconds
				delete {cooldown69::uuid of player}
				send "&6System&7 >> &6Item Ability: Rampage &e&lSHIFT RIGHT CLICK &7is ready to use"
			wait 10 ticks
			shoot an fire ball at speed 2
			remove 1 from player's health

on left click:
	if player is holding blaze rod named "&6&lMage &eStaff" with lore " " and "&6Item Ability: Rampage &e&lSHIFT RIGHT CLICK" and "&7Gain &a10 Hearts&7 and get" and "&cStrength 10&7 for 60 seconds" and "&8Cooldown: &3120 Seconds" and " " and "&6Item Ability: Flight &e&lSHIFT LEFT CLICK" and "&7Gain &5Levitation&7 for 15 seconds" and "&7and &fSlow Falling &7for 30 seconds" and "&7After Levitation" and "&8Cooldown: &390 Seconds" and " " and "&6Item Ability: Shoot &e&lRIGHT CLICK" and "&7Shoot a fire ball" and "&7In the direction you are looking" and "&8Cooldown: &3-1 health" and " " and "&6Item Ability: Heal &e&lLEFT CLICK" and "&7Heal &a20 Hearts&7 and gain" and "&cStrength&7 for 10 seconds" and "&8Cooldown: &330 Seconds" and " ":
		if player is sneaking:
			if {cooldown69420::uuid of player} is set:
				send "&6System&7 >> Please wait a bit to do this again"
				set {cooldown69420::uuid of player} to true
				apply Levitation 4 to the player for 15 seconds
				wait 15 seconds
				apply slow falling  to the player for 30 seconds
				send "&6System&7 >> Item Ability used"
				wait 90 real seconds
				delete {cooldown69420::uuid of player}
				send "&6System&7 >> &6Item Ability: Flight &e&lSHIFT LEFT CLICK &7is ready to use"
			if {cooldown::uuid of player} is set:
				send "&6System&7 >> Please wait a bit to do this again"
				set {cooldown::uuid of player} to true
				set player's health to 20
				send "&6System&7 >> Item Ability used"
				apply Strength 1 to the player for 10 seconds
				wait 30 real seconds
				delete {cooldown::uuid of player}
				send "&6System&7 >> &6Item Ability: Heal &e&lLEFT CLICK &7is ready to use"



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