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/spawn skript


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on join:
	teleport player to {spawn}
command /setspawn:
		if player has permission "spawn.set":
			if {spawn} is not set:
				send "[ServerName] &aThe spawn has been set"
				set {spawn} to location of player
command /delspawn:
		if player has permission "spawn.delete":
			if {spawn} is set:
				send "[ServerName] &aThe spawn has been deleted"
				delete {spawn}

command /spawn:
		teleport player to {spawn}
		send "[ServerName] &aYpu have been teleported to spawn"


Note: i made this skript overnight so it might have errors.

I used to play Minehut I guess?
Yeah, I still watch the forums for some reason. (15/5/2023)
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