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The command blocks are not workin



So my command blocks are like....broken. mainly one part of it: the tp command, the command that i want is: "/tp @p -543 168 -11". but when ever i put in the command into the command block it says "player not found". but i dont want it to affect the just one person, i want it to affect person using the command block! it does not even work when there more than 1 person one the server. i really want help on this

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5 hours ago, agadfahgfg said:

So my command blocks are like....broken. mainly one part of it: the tp command, the command that i want is: "/tp @p -543 168 -11". but when ever i put in the command into the command block it says "player not found". but i dont want it to affect the just one person, i want it to affect person using the command block! it does not even work when there more than 1 person one the server. i really want help on this

Hey there.

This can happen due to other plugins in your server conflicting with the command "tp" (like Essentials).

Luckily, you have an option to choose which command to be executed!

The format goes like this: /<plugin-name>:<command>

And like that, you can execute per-plugin commands. For example, /essentials:tp, /minecraft:kill, etc.

In your case, you should type "/minecraft:tp @p -543 168 -11" in the command block. And it should work.

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Hello there! If you're reading this, hope you're having a wonderful day!


Feel free to contact me via Discord (CoolProgrammer#1920) for any help.

My DMs are always open for help.

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Also, don't hesitate to leave a like on my post if I helped you in any way.

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