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    P: &7Server &8> &7
    perm: op 

every 100 seconds:
    set {use.%uuid of player%} to 1

command /help:
        open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "{@P}&3&lHELP" to player
        format gui slot 10 of player with diamond named "&e&lRULES" to close:
            send "{@P}&e&lRULES"
            send "&71.&fBe nice to other player in any enviroments."
            send "&72.&fDon't swear or use racial slurs."
            send "&73.&fPlease don't manipulate server bugs."
            send "&74.&fHave a nice tone in chat, don't send death threats ect."
            send "&75.&fListen to staff members instructions/rulings ect."
            send "&76.&fNever hack for any unfair advantages."
            send "&77.&fDupings and abusing exploits are not allowed."
            send "&78.&fSpamming, CAPPING, flooding are not allowed."
            send "&79.&fWe prohibit spam in our Discord/Teamspeak chat."
            send "&710.&fDirectly ask for staff wont work, join discord to apply."
        format gui slot 13 of player with book and quill named "&f&lHELP" to close:
            if {use.%uuid of player%} > 0:
                set {use.%uuid of player%} to 0
                set {help} to player's name
                loop all players:
                    if loop-player have permission "{@perm}":
                        send "&a&lALERT &7%{help}% needs help!" to loop-player
                send "{@P}You can only ask for help every 100 seconds."
        format gui slot 16 of player with gold ingot named "&b&lCOMMANDS" to close:
            send "{@P}&b&lCOMMANDS"
            send "&71.&f/[command 1]"
            send "&72.&f/[command 2]"
            send "&73.&f/[command 3]"
            send "&74.&f/[command 4]"
            send "&75.&f/[command 5]"
            send "&76.&f/[command 6]"
            send "&77.&f/[command 7]"
            send "&78.&f/[command 8]"
            send "&79.&f/[command 9]"
            send "&710.&f/[command 10]"

on chat:
    if message contains "staff I need help":
        cancel event
        send "&2&lTIP &7Need help? Try to ask in /help!"
        if message contains "how to play":
            cancel event
            send "&2&lTIP &7Need help? Try to ask in /help!"
            if message contains "please help":
                cancel event
                send "&2&lTIP &7Need help? Try to ask in /help!"


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you relize this probably won't work right? you need to set the var to "time" then compare it with "time"

53 minutes ago, SkHelper said:

format gui slot 13 of player with book and quill named "&f&lHELP" to close: if {use.%uuid of player%} > 0: set {use.%uuid of player%} to 0 set {help} to player's name loop all players: if loop-player have permission "{@perm}": send "&a&lALERT &7%{help}% needs help!" to loop-player








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  • 4 weeks later...
4 hours ago, SkHelper said:

Thanks for reminding me of this HUGE bug fix, Appriciated @quick007

soooo close to a necropost

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