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Mesyl2 Applications

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Please follow this format to the T. Do not branch out from the format. Use proper grammar and put as much detail as you can into your application. Make us want to read it. If we see that you are answering questions in one sentence or short phrases, you will be instantly denied, so don't waste your time. Average wait time for application responses is two days.

General Questions
1. IGN

2. Timezone

3. Age (13+ only)

4. Discord Name & ID (ex. Sh0ot#3984)
Austin (Mesyl2)#2579

5. What experience do you have as a staff member?
I was mod on the server PyreS for a whole week before setting my rank to legend

6. Why would you like to be staff on LavaS
I want to work my way up to admin with 2 weeks and fly around spawn  for fun

7. Why should we hire you over other peoepl?
You shouldn't I'm only going to be active till I hit admin then I'll join every now and then

8. Have you ever hacked before (this will not affect your chances)
yes I'm currently been banned on Hypixel for 4+ years due to hacking

9. Have you ever been banned on any servers? If so, for what reason?
Old Old server KnockEm owner lost trust in me because I enforced rules on my friend's server and not enforcing them fully on theirs

10. Anything else we should know? (hobbies, personality, etc)
I've been skripting for 2 and a half years
I currently made a backpack skript similr to hypixel's uhc backpack made it in an hour

Situational Questions

1. What would you do if you thought someone might be using criticals or nofall?
for crits I'd go into spectator and hope into their body and see as crits has packets and another version that slightly jumps very fast and lets you get crits
for nofall simply just push em off a building they will a fly back up or die if not die then live nofall is a harder one to catch as it can easily be lied about if you don't

watch fast enough for their fall they can play it off as a water clutch or other

2. What would you do if you saw somebody flying or using speed hacks?
Is this a trick question are you trying to get me to point out the obvious just to make fun of me? Well I accept you ban em their speed modifications

3. What would you do if someone was botting the server?
Well I'd most likely already sent you a skript with a command I like to call /botban whcih bans players under the same ip instead of ip banning

4. What would you do if someone starts spamming personal information in chat?
Mute chat and clear chat as soon as possible and hope you have it set so it doesn't clear staff chat  and clears the last 50 messages in the discord then grab the ign and ban for leaking personal information and spam. Then go talk to the player who's information was leaked to ensure it wasn't with consent and if it was unban the player and mute for the propper time for spam and remove the ban off their history

5. What would you do if someone says something racist or homophobic in chat?
I would ban them under the proper timespan as no one wants racist on their server it just dulls chat

6. What would you do if somebody was threatening to hack the server?
The same thing I did when someone threatened to hack hardcourse laugh it off and tell them go ahead and try then continue to talk to them over 2 minutes to see how their life is doing until they ultimately rage at me 

I'm a guy yes but I am also human just like any female so why do you believe it's so wrong to cry too?

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