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Friends cant use plugins



my friends cant use the basic plugin of chop tree, or any of the other plugins unless oped (except gravy plugin). I just do not want them to get op because of obvious reasons. I know you have to give them permission, but youtube videos just shows on how to give people admin and stuff like that. I just want them to be normal players not give them permission to ban people and stuff like that. 

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On 7/22/2019 at 4:14 AM, sohichi51 said:

my friends cant use the basic plugin of chop tree, or any of the other plugins unless oped (except gravy plugin). I just do not want them to get op because of obvious reasons. I know you have to give them permission, but youtube videos just shows on how to give people admin and stuff like that. I just want them to be normal players not give them permission to ban people and stuff like that. 

Okay, I don't know which tree cutting plugin you have on minehut, but I will list permissions you NEED to give the players to use the plugins.

If you have the plugin SmoothTimber:

You must use PermissionsEX and give the permissions smoothtimber.*

if you have the plugin UltimateTimber:

I currently don't know the permissions for this one but I'm sure you can find it somewhere on google. I'm also pretty sure this plugin is outdated as it only goes up to the version 1.14.1

  JR.MOD  August 1st, 2019              Reports & Appeals Team Lead  ↩              MOD  October 1st, 2019

↪  SR.MOD  August 11th, 2020

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