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JutouRPG - Builders, Developers and Helpers needed!

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Hey there! Recently myself and my co-owner wanted to create an RPG server, but we can't build or create ideas for mobs (We're using mythicmobs). So, we thought it'd be a great idea to get some builders and developers, and maybe some helpers on the server. Here's a quick description of each of the roles:

Builder ; They are expected to know how to build terrain and custom villages. Sometimes the terrain can be a small build, or a huge build. Most huge builds will be done by a group of builders and not just one. Currently we do not have a head builder. All people who apply for this space will be tested beforehand, then given the Jr. Builder rank.

Developer ; They are expected to know how to work with mythic mobs to send ideas to the owner. We are also looking for skripters so we can get custom commands such as /discord etc. Currently we do not have a head developer. All people who apply for this space will be tested beforehand, then given the Jr. Developer rank.

Helper ; They are expected to know how to keep the chat in order, and are trained to know how to help players when they ask a question. They are not allowed to break any rules as they need to enforce them, doing so will get them demoted to default. All people who apply for this space will be trained beforehand and then given the Helper rank.

Thanks for reading! If you're interested message AlexDoesNothing#4532 on discord or join this discord ; https://discord.gg/gfSpqCU

- The Owner + Co Owner of JutouRPG

IGN : PandaDoesNothing



- Owner of JutouRPG

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Some more information: We have now gotten a Head Developer and do not need developers. We are still looking for Builders. We need lots of them. If you could join the discord in the post above, we will test you. As for helpers, we are still looking for them, so you can apply.


-Owner and Co Owner of JutouRPG

Edited by PandaDoesNothing

IGN : PandaDoesNothing



- Owner of JutouRPG

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