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Checkpoint system


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Hello guys!

I just wanted to know that how can i make a checkpoint system with skript? Is it even possible? 

if it is possible i want when step on heavy weighted pressure plate it would send the player to checkpoint  1 and so on i have 20 checkpoints and if failed the player can teleport back to the last ceckpoint that they were on (Parkour system)

Tysm if ya can do it


- OwlG4mer

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yea, preatty sure you can use 

on step of heavy weighted pressure plate:
	if players location is {checkpoint1}:
		message "You got to the first checkpoint"!
		set {checkpoints::%player%} to 1
	if players location is {checkpoint2}:
		message "You got to the second checkpoint"!
		set {checkpoints::%player%} to 1

command /checkpoint [<text>] [<integer>]:
		if arg 1 is not "set" or "remove":
  			message "Usage: &6/checkpoint <set/remove> <integer>"
  			if arg 1 is "set":
  				add arg 2 to {checkpoint::*}
  			else if arg 1 is "remove":
  				delete arg 2 from {checkpoint::*}

Thats untested, but a general idea of what you could do







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