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  1. So i want to know that how much ram does my computer need to have if i host a minectaft server on minehut and i have the 2GB server plan how much ram does my computer then need to have? And if i would have the 6GB server plan how much ram does my computer then need to have?
  2. Hello guys! I just wanted to know that how can i make a checkpoint system with skript? Is it even possible? if it is possible i want when step on heavy weighted pressure plate it would send the player to checkpoint 1 and so on i have 20 checkpoints and if failed the player can teleport back to the last ceckpoint that they were on (Parkour system) Tysm if ya can do it - OwlG4mer
  3. Thanks guys i really appreciate it
  4. Hello my name is OwlG4mer in minehut and i am new to skript. I want to know on how to make a gui inside a gui with skript can somebody help me?
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