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Minehut server not loading the last save



I was playing in my server with my friends and we got off for the night and the server said it was in "Saving" mode. I figured that meant it was saving all of the new data to the server. But when we rejoined the next day, all of our stuff we did the past day was gone. It sucked but I thought "Well okay, we'll just redo everything." And before trying I stopped and started the server several times to check that changes would be saved. It seemed okay so we went and collected a bunch of iron and gold and explored the mineshaft all over again. I decided we should check everything was working again after an hour and we all agreed. So we left and the server went into "Saving" mode again. Then when it was done I started up the server and I was so happy because it was the last save and everything was fine! But then I got kicked. And I rejoined again and it put me all the way back to an hour ago. Obviously the last save is still there if it put me there originally so why is it setting us back to that save? It's very frustrating to have to do all of this over again. We all put a lot of time into this server so I don't want to just make a new one.

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