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Direction Error

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every second in "world":
	loop all zombies:
		block under loop-entity is south facing magenta glazed terracotta:
			loop 4 times:
				teleport loop-entity 0.25 meters south of loop-entity
				wait 5 ticks
		block under loop-entity is north facing magenta glazed terracotta:
			loop 4 times:
				teleport loop-entity 0.25 meter south of loop-entity
				wait 5 ticks
		block under loop-entity is west facing magenta glazed terracotta:
			loop 4 times:
				teleport loop-entity 0.25 meter east of loop-entity
				wait 5 ticks
		block under loop-entity is east facing magenta glazed terracotta:
			loop 4 times:
				teleport loop-entity 0.25 meter west of loop-entity
				wait 5 ticks

north and south work fine, but the east and west go north and south and i dont know why its happening, pls help

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