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Minecraft [Skript] Staff Ultra

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About the skript:

This skript is for new servers that allows you to do a lot of new fetures

and commands.







Commands & Fetures:

/staff - Open the main gui menu of the skript that allows you to do all of the commands!(permission:staff.have)

/punish <player> - Open punish gui Skript that allows you to warn kick ban tempban banip tembanip eazly through a gui menu(permission:admin+, all the advenceban permissions)

/troll <player> - Open troll gui menu that allows you to troll player for example clear their items kill randomtp and ect...(permission:troll.admin.<troll name>)

/stats <player> -Open stats gui menu that allows you to view the player armour the item he is holding  hp prefix money view ender chest and ect...(permission:stats.see)

/clearchat -A command that allows you to clear the chat for players that do not have the permission "clearchat.bypass"(permission:clearchat.use)

/mutechat -A command that allows you to mute all the players that do not have permission "mutechat.bypass"(permission:mutechat.*)

/stafftools -A command that gives you items to get into the staff menu by just clicking an item or moving from staffchat channel to gobal chat(permission:staff.have)(permission:staffchat),(permission:staffchat.see)

/chat <sc/all>-A command that allows you to talk just with staff members or with everyone(permission:staffchat),(permission:staffchat.see)

/commandspy -A command that allows you to see other staff commands to make sure nothing bad heppends (permission:admin)

Players that are not opped can not access the commands:


/pl (instade of saying he dont have perms to do that command its just show that there are too many plugins to show and it will compress it to a "file" that will say there is nothing to see here)

/plugins (instade of saying he dont have perms to do that command its just show that there are too many plugins to show and it will compress it to a "file" that will say there is nothing to see here)





How to put it:

First of all you need to install the file then go to your file manager (if you are using minehut) then plugins/skript/scripts then create a new file with any name just make sure you put at the end .sk then copy the file you have installed and past that make sure you click save then go to your server and do this command /sk reload <the file name with out .sk>it might lagg and take a bitStaff Ultra.txt




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  • 2 weeks later...

I mean looks neat

A lot of requirements though...

And the /plugins makes no sense because you can get any server's full plugins list with ?server (name) in the botcmds channel for the Minehut discord, or by using the api yourself

Other than this, looks cool

  • Thanks 1

VIP since January 7th, 2020

Support since September 19th, 2020

Helper since November 3rd, 2020

Moderator since March 8th, 2021




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First of all thank you for your review most of the people dont say anything 

about the requiments most of the plugins will must have essentials a rank/permission system skript and tuske 

also about the command /plugins i am not the best at explaining things so i will try say it again its basically blocking from looking at your plugins if you are not op by just sending a fake message if you would ever want i could remove it for you

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  • 5 weeks later...
9 hours ago, XxPROXxGAMER said:

For Guis you need SkQuery xD

SkQuery is infact the worst way to make GUIs. Vanilla/TuSKe are better as query is buggy and the lack of people using it means you get little to no help if you need it.

Hi I'm Henry, owner of multiple unsuccessful servers


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