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/ping command


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Hello, i made a skript that lets you see your ping and how laggy the connection between you and the server is by executing the command /ping.

Feel free to copy and paste or download this and put it on any server.

command /ping:
		if player's ping < 50:
			send "§6Your ping is: %player's ping%§6 ms, no lag." to player
		else if player's ping <125:
			send "§bYour ping is: %player's ping%§b ms, almost no lag." to player
		else if player's ping <300:
			send "§aYour ping is: %player's ping%§a ms, little laggy." to player
		else if player's ping <1000:
			send "§cYour ping is: %player's ping%§c ms, laggy" to player
			send "§4Your ping is: %player's ping%§4 ms, very laggy." to player
			wait 1 second
			send "§4Your wifi or the server could be laggy or you're far away from the server."

You can always add more or edit messages when you want to.


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