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  1. Hello, i made a skript that lets you see your ping and how laggy the connection between you and the server is by executing the command /ping. Feel free to copy and paste or download this and put it on any server. command /ping: trigger: if player's ping < 50: send "§6Your ping is: %player's ping%§6 ms, no lag." to player else if player's ping <125: send "§bYour ping is: %player's ping%§b ms, almost no lag." to player else if player's ping <300: send "§aYour ping is: %player's ping%§a ms, little laggy." to player else if player's ping <1000: send "§cYour ping is: %player's ping%§c ms, laggy" to player else: send "§4Your ping is: %player's ping%§4 ms, very laggy." to player wait 1 second send "§4Your wifi or the server could be laggy or you're far away from the server." You can always add more or edit messages when you want to. ping.sk
  2. If i make the {_head} variable "Salmoniformes" instead of "%victim%" it gives me the correct head but if i place the head and break the head the name changes from "Salmon head" to Salmoniformes's head. Do you know how to fix that?
  3. I tried this code but it just makes salmons drop a steve head named fish instead of a salmon head. on death: attacker is a player set {_head} to ("%victim%" parsed as offline player)'s head if victim is a salmon: drop {_head} named "%victim% head" at victim's location
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