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Warn / Unwarn

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I created an Warning / Unwarning skript. It may work, I don't know. Haven't tested it yet. You may edit if you would like. You don't need to give me credit!

command /warn [<player>] [<text>]:
	permission: warn.use
	permission message: &cYou do not have the correct permission to execute this command!
		if arg-1 is set:
			if arg-2 is set:
				broadcast ""
				broadcast "&b&lWarning"
				broadcast "&b%arg-1% &7has been warned by &b%player% &7for &b%arg-2% &7[&b{_warning.%arg-1%}&7]"
				broadcast ""
				add 1 to {_warning.%arg-1%}
command /unwarn [<player>]:
	permission: warn.use
	permission message: &cYou do not have the correct permission to execute this command!
		if arg-1 isn't set:
			send "&cUsage: /unwarn <player>"
		if arg-1 is set:
			broadcast ""
			broadcast "&b&lWarning"
			broadcast "&b%arg-1% &7has been un-warned by &b%player%&7!
			broadcast ""
			remove 1 from {_warning.%arg-1%}
every 1 tick:
	if {_warning.%arg-1%} is 5:
		execute command "tempban %player% 1hour &bYou have had too many warnings! (5)"
		set {_warning.%arg-1%} to 0


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IGN: Wolfeee_
Discord: Nathan.#4380



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Things I would like to point out.

You shouldn't use local variables to save a player's score because it will delete itself after you use some sort of event. Try to use {var::%arg%}. You should also use %arg's uuid% instead of %arg% if the player change their name.

every 1 tick:
	if {_warning.%arg-1%} is 5:
		execute command "tempban %player% 1hour &bYou have had too many warnings! (5)"
		set {_warning.%arg-1%} to 0

This won't work because every 1 tick doesn't have no Idea what's it's executing (Like %arg-1% or %player%).

I think you suppose to add (add 1 warn to player) before the broadcast.


You forgot to add % before and after {_warning.%arg-1%}

I changed a few things in the warn skript. You can take a look for yourself!

command /warn [<player>] [<text>]:
    permission: warn.use
    permission message: &cYou do not have the correct permission to execute this command!
        if arg-1 is set:
            add 1 to {warning::%arg-1's uuid%}
            broadcast ""
            broadcast "&b&lWarning"
            if arg-2 is set:
                broadcast "&b%arg-1% &7has been warned by &b%player% &7for &b%arg-2% &7[&b%{warning::%arg-1's uuid%}%&7]"
                broadcast "&b%arg-1% &7has been warned by &b%player% &7[&b%{warning::%arg-1's uuid%}%&7]"
            broadcast ""
            if {warning::%arg-1's uuid%} is 5:
                set {warning::%arg-1's uuid%} to 0
                execute command "tempban %arg-1% 1hour &bYou have had too many warnings! (5)"
            send "&cUsage: /warn <player> <reason>"
command /unwarn [<player>]:
    permission: warn.use
    permission message: &cYou do not have the correct permission to execute this command!
        if arg isn't set:
            send "&cUsage: /unwarn <player>"
            if {warning::%arg's uuid%} > 0:
                remove 1 from {warning::%arg's uuid%}
            broadcast ""
            broadcast "&b&lWarning"
            broadcast "&b%arg% &7has been un-warned by &b%player%&7!"
            broadcast ""

Edited by Dextur
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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...

Can anyone make the Warn Have A mute on it when doing /unwarn

        if arg-1 is set:
            add 1 to {warning::%arg-1's uuid%}
            broadcast ""
            broadcast "&c&lWarning"
            if arg-2 is set:
                broadcast "&c%arg-1% &7has been warned by Dont break the Rules Again 😡 &c%player% &7for &c%arg-2% &7[&c%{warning::%arg-1's uuid%}%&7]"
                broadcast "&c%arg-1% &7has been warned by Dont break the Rules Again &c%player% &7[&c%{warning::%arg-1's uuid%}%&7]"
            broadcast ""
            if {warning::%arg-1's uuid%} is 5:
                set {warning::%arg-1's uuid%} to 0
                execute command "mute %arg-1% 1m &cYou have had too many warnings! (5)"
            send "&cUsage: /warn <player> <reason>"
command /unwarn [<player>]:
    permission: warn.use
    permission message: &cYou do not have the correct permission to execute this command!
        if arg isn't set:
            send "&cUsage: /unwarn <player>"
            if {warning::%arg's uuid%} > 0:
                remove 1 from {warning::%arg's uuid%}
            broadcast ""
            broadcast "&a&lUnWarning"
            broadcast "&a%arg% &7has been un-warned by Sorry for the Accusement bro &a%player%&7!"
            execute command "unmute %arg-1%  &bSorry Dude :("

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