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Simple Chat-Clear Skript

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Hey! I just created an Simple Chat-Clear skript, and it is parsed with no errors. So I hope you enjoy it! By the way, change "[ServerName]" with your server-name. You may also change the color of the text. If you don't know how to do that, then watch a video on color codes or search it up.

Here's the skript!:


command /clear [<text>]:
	permission: staff.clear
	permission message: &cYou may not execute this command!
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "&cUsage: /clear chat"
		if arg-1 is "clear":
			loop 250 times:
				broadcast ""
			broadcast ""
			broadcast "&b[ServerName]"
			broadcast "&c%player% &7has just cleared the chat!"
			broadcast ""

IGN: Wolfeee_
Discord: Nathan.#4380



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A couple of things to fix:

1. No need for "stop"

2. You wrote in the usage that the command is /clear chat but the command would only work if the player types /clear clear

3. After you finished looping there is no need for 4 more broadcasts, use one

4. You should just use if arg-1 is "chat": and else:

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  • 4 years later...


i tried that skript and it broadcasted the message but didnt clear chat please help 

this is the skript i used

command /clear [<text>]:
	permission: staff.clear
	permission message: &cYou may not execute this command!
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "&cUsage: /clear chat"
		if arg-1 is "clear":
			loop 250 times:
				broadcast ""
			broadcast ""
			broadcast "&b[ServerName]"
			broadcast "&c%player% &7has just cleared the chat!"
			broadcast ""
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/27/2024 at 5:54 PM, 123456789hsoikhtgt said:


i tried that skript and it broadcasted the message but didnt clear chat please help 

this is the skript i used

command /clear [<text>]:
	permission: staff.clear
	permission message: &cYou may not execute this command!
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "&cUsage: /clear chat"
		if arg-1 is "clear":
			loop 250 times:
				broadcast ""
			broadcast ""
			broadcast "&b[ServerName]"
			broadcast "&c%player% &7has just cleared the chat!"
			broadcast ""

the client you're using probably disables messages without characters in them
or you are using an anti-spam mod

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