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Toasty Application

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1)What is your IGN? Toasty1134 (call me Toasty) 2) What is your Discord + Tag? Toasty#9156 3)How old are you? I am 14 4)What is your Time zone? US, EST 5)How much Time have you put into the server? Nearly 60 hours now 6)What Makes you different the other applicants? I am online nearly 12 hours a day And Have the time to keep watch over the server when other staff cant 7)Do you have further relationships with staff members? Funkydevin Is my older brother 8)Do you have any prior staff experience? Yes, I have staff experience from multiple different sides. From Owner to Mod to builder to admin on Minecraft and rust. I have Gone out with these positions for many months at a time and learned how to do each rank correctly. 9)Someone's reported for hacking but you aren't sure on spectating them, what do you do? Let them continue playing, if they are reported more and more. Ask for a SS and if nothing is found let them carry on. If reports continue to be abundant request another staff member to help with ss. If these reports continue even after all ss resort to paladin scan. 10) Say you catch another staff member abusing their perks, what would you do? Report to Rob, Directly about the action (depending on the abuse) 11) A spam bots come onto the server, how would you deal with them? Ip Ban the first bot that joined, and if vpn is on each bot mute chat till they leave (Request Higher staff if event is bad or gets worse12) Someone's not abiding by the chat rules, how would you punish them? /warn for the rule they are breaking, going by the 3 strike rule depending on the action. (May result in ban if warned to many times) 13) People are verbally abusing you in chat, How do you deal with that? Remind them of the chat rules, Letting them know that staff disrespect is a good way to get warned, muted, or banned.

Edited by Toasty1134
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