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Hellooooo everyone! Thanks for taking the time to read this post, and welcome (or welcome back) to the Minehut Forums! Recently, I've seen a spike in category misuse, and I want to divert our attention to more important things than moving topics for category misuse. So, I'm here to tell you what the General category is all about!

I know that the topic this category presents can get confusing - after all, isn't "general discussion relating to Minehut or Minecraft" including of support, server advertisements, and other things like those? The quickest answer is no. Allow me to explain. We host several categories that help us maintain a decent forum structure and make moderation, and thread relevance, more user-friendly. Allow me to explain what the categories are for!


GENERAL: Intended for discussion about anything Minehut and Minecraft. Talk about a recent Minecraft snapshot, your favorite mob, hub secrets, etc.

OFF-TOPIC: Any discussion that does not fit into General, or any other categories available. Discussion about things such as other games, daily life occurrences, funny stories, etc.

INTRODUCE YOURSELF: Plain and simple, introducing yourself to the Minehut Community. NOT FOR LEAVING MINEHUT POSTS.

SUGGESTIONS: Constructive criticism and feedback to better Minehut's services can be presented here. This category contains two sub-categories: Plugins and Features. The Plugins category is designed to suggest plugins to be updated, or added to the plugin list. The Features category is intended to be used for suggesting useful things to improve Minehut's services.

COMMUNITY SUPPORT: This category is intended to be used for any questions. If you need help opping yourself, this is the place to go! Need help with uploading a world? Got you, in this category! (Not for Skript help, though. That's coming up!)

SKRIPT: This category is intended to be used for everything involving the popular and revolutionary plugin Skript. There are also two sub-categories in this category, just as there was in Suggestions! This category includes Discussion and Releases sub-categories. Discussion is for help, questions about getting started, and tutorials. Releases is only for people who have scripts they'd like to share with the rest of the community!

SERVERS: Intended to be used for advertising your Minehut server! This is NOT the place to request support/help for your server!

MARKETPLACE: This is the place to recruit staff or offer your services to the Minehut community! Looking for server staff? Check here! Are you a Skript Developer, looking for work? Come to the Marketplace and offer your services!


That's all for the public text channels! Any topic you create in the categories posted below will only be visible by Moderators, Senior Moderators, and Administrators.


STAFF APPLICATION: This contains the staff application format. Note that applications are not always open, and sometimes you may not be able to access this category! You can stay updated on when applications open and close by joining the Minehut Discord.

REPORT FORMATS: This area contains the required formats for player reports and server reports. If you notice a server violating the EULA (End User License Agreement), please contact MOJANG and they will contact Minehut from there. However, if you see a server violating another rule (such as a discriminatory name/motd), you can follow the report format to help us keep our community safe! The same can be said for player reports. If a player is breaking rules on the lobby and there's no staff member online, you can follow the player report format and help us deal with them!

APPEAL FORMATS: This section is for appealing server suspensions and punishments. Servers can be suspended for EULA Violations or Minehut Rule Violations. If your server was suspended, this is the place to go to begin the process of playing again. If you were punished on Minehut, and that punishment was LONGER than 2 weeks, or it was unfair, you can appeal that punishment by following the instructions in the player appeal format.


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy your forum adventures! ❤️

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Yes I used to be [ADMIN]. I resigned from that position

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