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Solved - SKRIPT: /stop Script


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Hey Minehut community! 

I'm in the midst of making an admin menu and one of the things I'd like to add is a stop option. With this stop option, I would like it to automatically save the server before stopping. The problem is, the script does not know when the server is done saving and stops before it is saved. I would like to do this without adding "wait %duration%" because it may still stop before the server is done saving. The first idea that comes to my head is to detect when the console says "Saved the game" but I do not know how to test for when the console says that. Does anyone have a solution?



Use the "on world save" event

Edited by izzzzthewiz

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4 hours ago, Preinstalled said:

I dont get it, are you trying to fix a /stop skript?

It seems that he's found a solution

Junior Mod (01/04/2020) - Resigned 

 Discord » Koronotchi#0001 
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