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Posts posted by ninjea

  1. Can someone tell me why this does not work


    command /fortunemaxtest:
        permission: testshitplz
            set {_p} to player
            set {_uuid} to {_p}'s uuid
            set {_fortup} to grabNumberPlayerData({_p}, "fortup")
            set {_fortlvl} to grabNumberPlayerData({_p}, "fortlvl")
            set {_temp} to 0
            set {_var} to 50
            set {_cost} to 0
            set {_scost} to (({_fortup} + 1) * 500)
            set {_cost} to (({_fortup} + 10^{_var}) * 500)
            if {tokens::%{_uuid}%} < {_scost}:
                send "broke"
                loop {_var} times:
                    while {tokens::%{_uuid}%} - {_cost} >= (({_fortup} + 10^{_var}) * 500):
                        add 10^{_var}*0.02 to {_fortup}
                        add 10^{_var} to {_temp}
                        add (({_fortlvl} + 10^{_var}) * 500) to {_cost}
                    remove 1 from {_var}
                remove {_cost} from {tokens::%{_uuid}%}
                editPlayerData({_p}, "fortup", {_fortup})
                editPlayerData({_p}, "fortcost", 500 * grabNumberPlayerData({_p}, "fortup"))
                editPlayerData({_p}, "fortlvl", {_fortlvl}+{_temp})
                enchant1000({_p}, "fort")
                enchant100({_p}, "fort")
                enchant10({_p}, "fort")


  2. mute chat skript

    command /mutechat [<text>]:
            if player has permission "mutechat.staff":
                if {mutechat} is not set:
                    broadcast "&cChat has been muted"
                    set {mutechat} to true
                    broadcast " &fChat has been unmuted."
                    delete {mutechat}
                send "&cno lol."
    on chat:
        if {mutechat} is set:
            player doesn't have permission "mutechatbypass"
            cancel event
            send "&cChat is disabled!"

  3. Options:
        reward: give %player% diamond #command to give reward. %player% = player's name (No /slash)
        resetperm: * #perm to reset player's daily
    command daily:
            set {_waited} to difference between {daily::%uuid of player%} and now
            if {_waited} is less than 24 hours:
                set {_d} to a new chest inventory with 3 rows with name "&7daily"
                set slot 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26 of {_d} to black stained glass pane with name " " 
                set slot 10,11,12,13,14,15,16 of {_d} to red stained glass pane with name "&eYou already claimed this today!" 
                open {_d} to player
                set {_d} to a new chest inventory with 6 row with name "&7daily"
                set slot 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26 of {_d} to black stained glass pane with name " " 
                set slot 10,11,12,13,14,15,16 of {_d} to lime stained glass pane with name "&eDaily" with lore "&cclick to claim"
                open {_d} to player
    on inventory click:
        cancel event
        if name of event-inventory is "&7daily":
            set {_waited} to difference between {daily::%uuid of player%} and now
            if {_waited} is less than 24 hours:
                send "&cno lol"
                make player execute "{@reward}"
                set {daily::%uuid of player%} to now
                set slot 10,11,12,13,14,15,16 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane with name "&eYou already claimed this today!"
                send " "
                send "&eClaimed your daily"
                send " "
    command resetdaily [<player>]:
        permission: {@resetperm}
            set {daily::%uuid of arg-1%} to 24 hours

    free daily skript

  4. so 4 days ago i was banned on a server called lilygens this server is owned by summiner and mqdleny0. now i was banned witch may seem fair but i was banned for no given reason other then them being rude ( even tho there number 1 rule was dont be rude LOL) . why in the title it says this is a scam is i spent money on this server just for them to steal my money ban me and not let me appeal or contact them. so yea fwick them and it was very wrong. 

    if a admin or staff sees this can i please have a fair appeal and my items refunded 


    whoever is reading this right now thanks for your time and have a good day ❤️

  5. On 8/23/2021 at 11:56 AM, BurnsMC said:

    did you even try anything before crying on the forums lmao its not that the skript doesnt work its the fact that its not compatible are you missing any sk addons that it needs?  

    this does not help AT ALL


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