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Everything posted by ninjea

  1. After I connected my external server to Minehut, I could no longer join through the IP address. Is there any way to fix this so players don't have to connect through Minehut?
  2. Can someone tell me why this does not work command /fortunemaxtest: permission: testshitplz trigger: set {_p} to player set {_uuid} to {_p}'s uuid set {_fortup} to grabNumberPlayerData({_p}, "fortup") set {_fortlvl} to grabNumberPlayerData({_p}, "fortlvl") set {_temp} to 0 set {_var} to 50 set {_cost} to 0 set {_scost} to (({_fortup} + 1) * 500) set {_cost} to (({_fortup} + 10^{_var}) * 500) if {tokens::%{_uuid}%} < {_scost}: send "broke" stop else: loop {_var} times: while {tokens::%{_uuid}%} - {_cost} >= (({_fortup} + 10^{_var}) * 500): add 10^{_var}*0.02 to {_fortup} add 10^{_var} to {_temp} add (({_fortlvl} + 10^{_var}) * 500) to {_cost} remove 1 from {_var} remove {_cost} from {tokens::%{_uuid}%} editPlayerData({_p}, "fortup", {_fortup}) editPlayerData({_p}, "fortcost", 500 * grabNumberPlayerData({_p}, "fortup")) editPlayerData({_p}, "fortlvl", {_fortlvl}+{_temp}) enchant1000({_p}, "fort") enchant100({_p}, "fort") enchant10({_p}, "fort")
  3. @ThatMilkManMan do you want it if its at the start or anywere?
  4. Doing skript for free OTHER THEN GENS (if u want i will explain how to make it though)
  5. ninjea

    Free skripts

    Doing free skripts!
  6. on place: if player's gamemode is survival: cancel event on drop: if player's gamemode is survival: cancel event on hunger meter change: cancel event on damage: cancel event
  7. command settag [<player>] [<text>]: permission: * trigger: set {tags.%uuid of arg-1%} to arg-2 on chat: set the chat format to "%player's prefix% %{tags.%uuid of player%}%&7%player%: &f%%message%"
  8. command discord: trigger: send "<link:https://discord.gg/your link here> &aClick to join the discord!"
  9. mute chat skript command /mutechat [<text>]: trigger: if player has permission "mutechat.staff": if {mutechat} is not set: broadcast "&cChat has been muted" set {mutechat} to true else: broadcast " &fChat has been unmuted." delete {mutechat} else: send "&cno lol." on chat: if {mutechat} is set: player doesn't have permission "mutechatbypass" cancel event send "&cChat is disabled!"
  10. Options: reward: give %player% diamond #command to give reward. %player% = player's name (No /slash) resetperm: * #perm to reset player's daily command daily: trigger: set {_waited} to difference between {daily::%uuid of player%} and now if {_waited} is less than 24 hours: set {_d} to a new chest inventory with 3 rows with name "&7daily" set slot 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26 of {_d} to black stained glass pane with name " " set slot 10,11,12,13,14,15,16 of {_d} to red stained glass pane with name "&eYou already claimed this today!" open {_d} to player else: set {_d} to a new chest inventory with 6 row with name "&7daily" set slot 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26 of {_d} to black stained glass pane with name " " set slot 10,11,12,13,14,15,16 of {_d} to lime stained glass pane with name "&eDaily" with lore "&cclick to claim" open {_d} to player on inventory click: cancel event if name of event-inventory is "&7daily": set {_waited} to difference between {daily::%uuid of player%} and now if {_waited} is less than 24 hours: send "&cno lol" else: make player execute "{@reward}" set {daily::%uuid of player%} to now set slot 10,11,12,13,14,15,16 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane with name "&eYou already claimed this today!" send " " send "&eClaimed your daily" send " " command resetdaily [<player>]: permission: {@resetperm} trigger: set {daily::%uuid of arg-1%} to 24 hours free daily skript
  11. ninjea


    Does anyone know how prison server's to jackhammer in skript im trying to make it and i have no idea
  12. This is a really good video on how to make it
  13. Is there a addon thats like mineflayer in skript i think it would be very cool for a server
  14. ninjea

    gui shop

    does any1 know of a good gui shop because im lazy and bad at skript lol
  15. ninjea


    I think with the proxy's you should have to have a plan for the parent server but not the ones connected to it
  16. a mini game wheres it first one to take a poop from the other team and put it in the restroom on there teams side ( like capture the flag )
  17. i would if they had not banned me from there to
  18. hey if mqdelyn0 or summiner is seeing this i was supposed to be banned for 3 days but i still am
  19. so 4 days ago i was banned on a server called lilygens this server is owned by summiner and mqdleny0. now i was banned witch may seem fair but i was banned for no given reason other then them being rude ( even tho there number 1 rule was dont be rude LOL) . why in the title it says this is a scam is i spent money on this server just for them to steal my money ban me and not let me appeal or contact them. so yea fwick them and it was very wrong. if a admin or staff sees this can i please have a fair appeal and my items refunded whoever is reading this right now thanks for your time and have a good day
  20. anyone know who the owner of rivalbed is
  21. does any1 know what the ceeded discord is
  22. try installing some thing like morksk, skbee , and so on sorry i dont really know witch one
  23. this does not help AT ALL
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