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Everything posted by midearthgamer

  1. Title: I "injected" SkQuery in 1.18 and it has stopped my other skripts from working how do i delete it from the list?
  2. i would like a leaderboard skript with a /top command using the variable: {balance::%player%}
  3. The skript that I need is a auction house but for plots and uses the players current xp amount as the currency.
  4. you can use the command /ah,/ah plot (if player owns the plot) [XP amount they want to sell it for?] and /ah to open the ah GUI and if the player has enough XP (on there XP bar) to buy the plot and if they right click on it to tp them to it.
  5. Can you fix this skript? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- options: server: &b&lPlanted&3F every 1 seconds in world "Gens": loop all players: set level of loop-player to %{loop-player::level}% set {_online} to number of all players wipe loop-player's sidebar set name of sidebar of loop-player to "{@server}" set score "&b&lLEVEL &7> &3%{loop-player::level}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5 set score "&b&lPLAYER &7> &3%loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5 set score " " in sidebar of loop-player to 4 set score "&b&lONLINE &3PLAYERS &7> &b%{_online}%&3/&b10" in sidebar of loop-player to 3 set score "&3 " in sidebar of loop-player to 2 set score "&b&lPlanted&3F&b.minehut.gg" in sidebar of loop-player to 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- the bug is its not displaying the players current XP level
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