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  1. # Chat Censor Skript (by _Scribbly) on chat: # Checks the message for anything in blocklist and blocks it loop {blocklist::*}: if message contains loop-value: send "&cCouldn't send message due to immaturity" exit else: # Checks if the player is muted if {mute::*} contains player's uuid: send "&cCouldn't send message due to mute" to player else: # The message has passed the checks and is now cleared to be sent set {okie-dokie::%player%} to true if {okie-dokie::%player%} is true: broadcast "%player%: %message%" set {okie-dokie::%player%} to false else: # This should never happen send "&cError!" to player on skript start: # Template list for words you want to be blocked clear {blocklist::*} add "test" to {blocklist::*} add "skript" to {blocklist::*}
  2. It may only be canceling the damage taken from the entity. The red flash and knockback will still occur. I don't know, are you trying to prevent mobs from attacking villagers? Maybe it could be made more direct, like: on damage of villager: if attacker is not player: cancel event Again, not tested
  3. on player move: loop all players: if loop-player is not op: if block at loop-player is water: send "test" to loop-player This hasn't been tested or anything yet but if it does let me know
  4. on damage: if victim is not player: if attacker is zombie or skeleton or ravager or pillager: cancel event I haven't tested this or anything yet but let me know if it works
  5. I'm currently trying to create a system for my server that will give the player a list of randomly generated tasks that the player must carry out within the hour in order to receive extra in-game currency. When the hour is up, the player's progress on completing the tasks will be reset and the list will be randomized again. If the player completes the tasks before the hour is up, they would be rewarded with in-game currency and they would not receive any new assignments until the next hour. The tasks assigned would be things like: "Eat %random integer between 2 and 5% %random item out of all food%s" "Kill %random integer between 2 and 5% %random entity out of all monsters%s" "Mine %random integer between 2 and 5% %random block out of all ores%s" Just generic Minecrafty things to keep the player engaged. Any help would be very much appreciated. Here's what I got so far: # NOTE: This only works to a certain point and also tends to become biased to certain task conditions command /task <string>: trigger: if arg-1 is "randomize": send "Your new tasks:" set {task::amount::%player%} to random integer between 2 and 5 loop {task::amount::%player%} times: clear {task::types::*} clear {task::list::%player%} add "Kill %random integer between 2 and 5% %random entity out of all monsters%s" to {task::types::*} add "Consume %random integer between 2 and 5% glow lichens" to {task::types::*} add "Eat %random integer between 2 and 5% %random item out of all food%s" to {task::types::*} set {task::target::%loop-number%::%player%} to random element of {task::types::*} send "&7%{task::target::%loop-number%::%player%}%" add {task::target::%loop-number%::%player%} to {task::list::%player%} on tab complete: event-string is "/task": set tab completion to "randomize" Again, any help would be very much appreciated Thank you.
  6. # Simple lifesteal skript on death: if victim is player: if attacker is player: if victim's max health is not less than 2: remove 1 from victim's max health add 1 to attacker's max health send "&aPlayer heart obtained" to attacker else: cancel event send "&c%victim% does not have enough hearts to steal from!" to attacker command /givehearts <player>: trigger: if max health of player is not less than 2: remove 1 from player's max health add 1 to arg-1's max health else: send "You do not have enough hearts to /givehearts!" This isn't tested but I think it might work (let me know if it does)
  7. # Simple dupe skript # (This will only give you completely random items) every 10 seconds: loop all players: if {dupe::%loop-player%} is true: execute console command "/give %loop-player% %random element of all items%" command /dupe <string>: trigger: if arg-1 is "off": if {dupe::%player%} is not false: set {dupe::%player%} to false send "&cYou have disabled random items" if arg-1 is "on": if {dupe::%player%} is not true: set {dupe::%player%} to true send "&cYou have enabled random items" on tab complete: event-string is "/dupe": set tab completions to "on" and "off" on join: set {dupe::%player%} to true
  8. There's a mistyped colon after "give (random element out of all items) to all players"
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