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Everything posted by xQBread

  1. Chat/ChatControl/Essentials, I also need to edit the leaderboard/Skripts, Tab G.U.I that shows players, Yep.. I have a load of stuff to do.. And Mine-Hut is not helping with all that...
  2. I'm joining minehut. I need to use the file manager to edit my thing!
  3. It still has nothing inside of the file manager though...
  4. I do not think that that is the way to fix it... I'm scared.. Has my server been compromised?
  5. Oh nvm its starting I'll provied more information when finished It's just gone into hikbvernation I cant switch it on
  6. I've started my server... and now it's like this?!
  7. Please can somebody help me and figure this out? This is literally the only file on my file manager...
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