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Everything posted by Mischa

  1. Hi, This week I noticed that our survival server had lost some big progress in a specific big chunk where we built our structures and where we were mostly active. The terrain is completely reset to its original natural landscape from before we started building, while outside the chunk of lost progress there still exist remainders of the lost structures (these parts were completed later than the core structures), which are literally cut off from the the original chunk with the builds as seen on the screenshot added down below. The fences still look like they're attached to the other fences of the missing chunk. This seems weird as it doesn't seem like a matter of overall issues with the server safe file (I'd expect that the later builds would also not exist in that case), but rather a matter of issues with the chunks. Now I'd like to know if this was caused by the problem described up top? If so, could it somehow be fixed? I'd hate to see the progress being lost like that. If it definitly can't be fixed, then I too would like to know so. Then I know I can move on and start over elsewhere with what was left without wondering whether what was lost can be recovered. I hope the issue can be fixed. Thanks in advance.
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